1035 Peachtree Street NE (404) 941-7130

About Prime Cigar

About Prime Cigar

Welcome to Prime Cigar Atlanta, We are an upscale cigar bar nestled in the heart of Midtown Atlanta,GA. Our establishments offers a refined ambiance where the timeless art of dining and enjoyment meets modern luxury.  Step into a world where sophistication meets comfort.

Our venues boasts a meticulously curated space, exuding an air of exclusivity and elegance. Rich leather seating, softly lit with warm, ambient lighting, provides the perfect setting for intimate conversations or moments of personal relaxation.

Prime on Peachtree is not merely a place to eat, it’s an experience a Prime experience. Our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to guiding patrons through this sensory journey, ensuring an unforgettable and tailored experience for both seasoned connoisseurs and novices alike.

Join us at Prime on Peachtree & Prime Cigar, where every visit promises an escape into a world of luxury, and camaraderie.

Kindly select your preferred seating based on the venue you intend to visit. Whether it’s the inviting atmosphere of Prime Cigar, our distinguished cigar lounge, or the refined setting of Prime on Peachtree, our upscale fine dining restaurant, we want to ensure your experience aligns with your chosen location.


Exquisite Cigars

Indulge in the unparalleled sophistication of exquisite cigars, where the artistry of craftsmanship meets the richness of flavor in a harmonious dance for the senses.

These meticulously crafted masterpieces are a testament to the dedication and expertise of skilled artisans who weave together the finest tobacco leaves from diverse regions.

The result is a cigar that transcends the ordinary, boasting a flawless construction and an impeccable burn. Aged to perfection, these cigars undergo a meticulous maturation process, allowing the flavors to marry and evolve into a symphony of taste. With every draw, connoisseurs are treated to a sensory journey, where the nuances of the blend unfold like a well-written story.

The ritual of unwrapping, cutting, and toasting becomes a prelude to an experience that goes beyond smoking; it’s an ode to indulgence, a celebration of craftsmanship, and a moment suspended in time. Exquisite cigars invite aficionados to savor the finer things in life, offering a sensory escape into a realm of unparalleled luxury.

Reserve a Table

Reservations are only accepted between Wednesday and Sunday.
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