1035 Peachtree Street NE (404) 941-7130

Our Humidor

Are you looking for a humidor in Atlanta? Welcome to Prime Cigar, the premier destination for cigar enthusiasts in the heart of Atlanta. At Prime Cigar, we take pride in offering an exceptional selection of cigars in a luxurious setting, ensuring an unmatched experience for both new and seasoned smokers.

Diverse Selection of Cigars

Our humidor room showcases over 50 meticulously selected cigars, ranging from accessible choices starting at $10 to exclusive premium selections up to $200. This variety guarantees a cigar for every taste and budget, making us the go-to cigar lounge near you.

An Experience Tailored to All

Whether you are just beginning your cigar journey or are a seasoned aficionado, our collection is designed to cater to all levels of expertise. Our expertly curated selection ensures that each visit to our humidor room is a journey of discovery.nbsp;
Humidor Atlanta

Unparalleled Guidance and Atmosphere

Our knowledgeable staff is always on hand to guide beginners in choosing the perfect cigar to match their palate. The sophisticated ambiance of our humidor room offers a luxurious backdrop for your smoking pleasure, making every visit a memorable one.

Discover Rare and Exclusive Cigars

We are constantly updating our selection to include unique and rare cigars, providing an opportunity to explore new and exciting options every time you visit. Our exclusive offerings are sure to add an extraordinary element to your smoking experience.

Looking for more information or want to explore our collection? Visit our location to see why we are the premier humidor in Atlanta

Browse our website for details on our events. To get in touch with us or plan your visit, please contact us..

Rediscover your passion for cigars with Humidor Atlanta at Prime Cigar – your premier cigar lounge in Atlanta.

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