1035 Peachtree Street NE (404) 941-7130

Welcome to Prime Cigar: Atlanta’s Premier Cigar and Hookah Experience

Prime CigarAtlanta’s Premier Cigar Lounge Located in The Heart of Atlanta

Atlanta, a city known for its vibrant culture and dynamic nightlife, has a new gem in its crown – Prime Cigar. Nestled in the heart of the city, Prime Cigar is more than just a cigar lounge; it’s an embodiment of luxury and relaxation, offering a unique blend of traditional cigar culture and contemporary hookah experiences.

A Haven for Cigar Enthusiasts

At Prime Cigar, we understand that cigar smoking is an art form, a ritual that speaks of sophistication and taste. Our humidor is a testament to this belief, housing an extensive range of cigars from around the world. Whether you are in the mood for a robust, full-bodied cigar or something milder and more aromatic, our collection is sure to satisfy your palate. The ambiance at Prime Cigar is designed to enhance your experience, with comfortable leather seating and an atmosphere that encourages leisurely enjoyment and conversation.

Hookah – A Modern Twist

In addition to our exceptional cigar offerings, Prime Cigar introduces a contemporary twist with our hookah experience. Merging the traditional with the modern, our hookahs come with a variety of flavors, catering to those who seek a different kind of relaxation. Our expert staff can help you select a flavor that complements your evening, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Events and Gatherings

Prime Cigar is not just a place to unwind; it’s a venue where memories are made. We host a variety of events, from tastings and launches to private gatherings. Our space is perfect for those who wish to enjoy a good smoke, a fine drink, and great company. Keep an eye on our calendar for upcoming events and join a community of like-minded individuals who appreciate the finer things in life.

A Commitment to Quality

At Prime Cigar, quality is not a mere word; it’s a promise. From the cigars in our humidor to the hookahs at your table, every aspect of your experience is curated for excellence. Our staff are not just employees; they are connoisseurs, dedicated to providing you with knowledgeable recommendations and top-notch service.

Join Us

We invite you to step into the world of Prime Cigar, where every visit is an opportunity to relax, enjoy, and indulge in the best that Atlanta has to offer. Whether you’re a long-time cigar lover or new to the world of hookah, Prime Cigar is your destination for an unmatched experience in comfort and luxury.

Visit us at Prime Cigar, and discover why we are Atlanta’s premier destination for cigar and hookah enthusiasts. Your seat is waiting.

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